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Micro Solar Plant and Internet of Things Webserver

This is one of my favourite projects. The assignment was to use a Netduino as a web server, using Neon Mika server code, to host a website that I coded using html5, css, javascript, and xml. We were also given specifications for the circuit design of a micro solar plant that used a photovoltaic cell to charge a battery and power two LEDs. The website was designed to monitor this solar plant, and to control the LEDs. Unfortunately I had to disassemble the solar plant to use my Netduino in other projects but the link below shows a demo version of the website component to demonstrate of my skills with web design and the internet of things. Note that changing the image of the LED on the mainpage changed the actual LEDs on the breadboard, and on the Features page the colour of the LEDs on the schematic changed colour to reflect the state of the actual LEDs and were clickable to control them from this page as well. 

Click here to see a demo of how the website for this project works.

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